About Us
Service Offerings
eMatrix Technology Stack
Government Systems
Cold Case Systems
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               About eMatrixMgmtSys:

EMatrixMgmtSys has its roots in systems engineering at IBM, augmented by computer science research work, tested with government level technology development, and experienced in producing large scale (# transactions, dbms size) complex transaction database systems. 

The company started as an integrated development center software company in order to further the concepts and principles learned and later needed in developing, testing, implementing and maintaining     operational application systems in large data centers at high levels of consistency, reliability, standardization, modularization, and optimization with lower levels of error rate occurrence.

EMatrixMgmtSys has advanced and facilitated taking a comprehensive view on the customer's  technical eco-system. This approach along with our guiding principles have resulted in cohesive systems built upon an inherent best practices approach.

This has driven EMatrixMgmtSys to develop a solution set approach for customers along with the technologies constructed to support the process. Customers have the option to apply these approaches on whatever global or granular level the financial or operational cost/benefit drivers demand.
