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Government Systems
Cold Case Systems
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Cold Case Squads & Investigative Units:

Cold Case Squads have one of the most difficult jobs in law enforcement. By definition these are not simple cases. Better access to investigative databases can provide the additional assistance needed to secure higher clearance rates.

The Cold Case Squad Needs:

Cold Case Squads need to retrieve combinations of digital records associated with the connections they seek to establish on Persons, Vehicle, Incident, Property, and Location files. Additionally, this may include such files as Case Synopsis or Supplemental Reports.

Working with a Cold Case Squad, eMatrix has developed Inquiry Sets specific to Cold Case searches, enabling access to past record systems. And it is not just for Cold Case Squads either, since background investigators, intelligence units, evidence units, and records personnel need these same expanded Inquiry Sets to get to associated data both current and past.

“I know there was more information…”

As you suspected, there is more information available from the past that did not make it into in the current system. We want to get it for you. We return the full record stored. This means any additional data that was not imported into follow-on systems, such as New World or Tiburon (New World, Tiburon are trademarks of their respective companies), becomes available. Don't miss that bit of information, field contact, report, link, etc. that will tie everything together and close your case.

Data Not Imported or Not Available:

New, large Off-The-Shelf software systems must make decisions on what information to store and display back. Consequently, information captured may not be carried over into newer replacement systems, reducing the amount of information available that was previously stored in the case record. We can provide search capabilities tailored to support your Cold Case Squad while accessing these older record management systems.

Use Cold Case Inquiry Systems™

eMatrix would be happy to cover its approach and process to open these records up for your use, specifically organized with the Cold Case Detective in mind.

These are your past police records. We can re-establish them as a Cold Case System resource tuned to the type of searches you do---trying to connect the dots with location, time, persons and property involved.

Cold Case Data Access through our System

Multiple Inquiry Approaches, Sets and Menus to give you the options to get the information to support your case development and close cases given information you were searching for.

Cold Case Inquiry Sets/Base Organization-

                               COLD CASE INQUIRY SYSTEM™

                   =========== M A I N M E N U ============ 

                    SELECTION AREA--------------------FUNCTION 


                    SELECTION AREA---------------------VEHICLE INQUIRY

                    SELECTION AREA---------------------PROPERTY INQUIRY

                    SELECTION AREA---------------------LOCATION INQUIRY

                    SELECTION AREA----------------------SYSTEM INQUIRY 

Connections are Made with Multiple Selection Areas

Cold Case Inquiry Sets allow multiple data files to be searched in one inquiry building tables for the Cold Case Detective to select from multiple data areas above. Additional combinations of inquiries allow the detective to select different searches versus having to build or program wider search parameters and then narrow in as required. Training is provided to re-enforce techniques and tips.

An internal departmental use only Listing of Cold Cases is built for reference use---

                        UNSOLVED Cold Case Table Build
                                                                                                                   Unsolved  /  Victim  /  Location  /   Incident ..............    
01/01/1982    Sally        
01/01/1990    John        
01/01/1995    Tim        
01/01/2002    Wendy        
01/01/2005    Larry        
01/01/2007    Cindy        
01/01/2010    Dennis        
